
Aralık, 2020 tarihine ait yayınlar gösteriliyor


  Zdravei Guys!  Here is an another usefull webtool for you today :) First, I think that grid has different meaning but no, it has same meaning in Flipgrid.  Flipgrid is a website that allows teachers to create discussion classes for learners and these discussions are not written, they are videos from learners and teachers.  Teachers create "grids" to ease video discussions. Each grid is like a message board where teachers can ask questions, called "topics," and their students can share video responses. These grids can be seen by classes, small groups and teachers. There are no restrictions on the topics to be made in the video.  As with Edmodo, padlet, the teacher can create a class in this web tool. The teacher creates the class and can include their students thanks to  the class code. In this classroms,  the teacher can request a video as a preliminary preparation for the topics that he/she will handle in the classroom.  Teachers may also have the opportunity to

Digital Narrative or Digital Storytelling

  Privet Guys!  My next post is about Digital Narrative or Digital Storytelling. I hope you like it :)                                            What is it ? Digital narrative is a storytelling that benefits from digital technologies.   It appeals to a wide audience and is open to interaction. At a time when writing was not even invented, people narrated each other stories by creating legends, gods, enemies. we have all heard stories from our elders.  In fact, the presentation of traditional stories in digital environments by undergoing changes is called as digital storytelling. D igital storytelling can be diversified in many ways. I will evaluate digital storytelling from an educational point of view. Digital Narrative, which allow teachers and students to tell their stories by combining elements such as audio, images, video using simple multimedia tools, is a way that teachers can use while in language teaching. With the development of technology, it began to be used even more in t

Let's Know Padlet

Hola Guys !  Today I am going to talk about Padlet. I seem to hear your questions. What is Padlet ?  How can we use it ? Do not panic ! I am here for you :)  Padlet is a website and mobile application provides users or learners with an online board. It is a digital board where you can add images, videos, and articles that you want or dream of. You can customize and manage your plan and schedule as you like. You can use the Padlet for many purposes. You can also use it in your business life, as your personal agenda, or in school life like me. I will, of course, introduce it as a learning tool. Because this is Teachers of Tomorrow blog. In fact, Padlet is the online version of the boards we use at school. It is a digital dashboard formation platform that eases collaborative work in and out of the classroom, where writings, videos, images, and many virtual materials can be collected. Like other web tools, in Padlet teachers can create classrooms and involve students. In this way, they can

Quzilet, Digital Vocabulary Learning

  Bonjour Guys ! Today, I am here for another education web tool; Quzilet.  Quizlet is an online vocabulary learning application. It is a mobile and web-based tool, this means that you can use it on the phone as an application and website on the computer.  People have 3 different ways of learning. visual learning, kinesthetic learning, auditory learning, and this tool appeals to these senses of learners, which makes word learning easier and permanent. It provides learning tools for learners; such as flash cards, study and games. In Quizlet a teacher can create class and count in his/her students then compose some vocabulary study sets adhering to their lessons  or learners can create their own vocabulary study sets with terms and definitions. There are 6 sets for study vocabularies. Flash Cards, Gravity, Write, Speller, Match, Live.  Also, you can study all languages you want, there is no limitation in Quizlet. Let's introduce Quizlet via illustrations ;  First, I register as a tea

Learning by Writing !

  Hello Guys ! Today I'm gonna write about a website for writing and reading skills. I hope you like it :)  Storybird is a social tool for language education and especially for storytelling.       After logging up teachers can create a class and include their students. We may say that Storybird is like Literature class in online. Students can act as authors and write stories using some visual things. Teachers can give assignments to his/her students. Also they give feedback to these assignments. As a potential teacher, I really like this website since there is a vibe of class atmosphere for learners and students.  Learners can compose their writings or stories. Also, they can read published stories. When they want to write, there are 5 options for them. Picture Book, Longform Story, Comics, Flash Fiction, Poetry. After choosing they can make stories by reinforcing them with illustrations. Students have access to classroom libraries, any writing can be commented on by other students

What is Edmodo ?

Kon’nichiwa Guys! What is Edmodo ?   Edmodo is a social learning website for teachers and students.With Edmodo teachers can create social classrooms and include their students. Edmodo combines  technology and educa tion. Thanks to Edmodo, works can be continued to increase students ' learning outside the classroom by continuing the online classroom environment. Using Edmodo, teachers can make communication between students and their parents. In edmodo, students can have documents, files about the lesson and use them for learning. A teacher can easily quiz their students and grade them through Edmodo. Also, students can be given homework. A deadline can be set. Students who submit their assignments can be graded. Students can see their grades. In Edmodo, there is also a solution to increase the motivation of students who do not do their homework or follow the course. A teacher can give a badge to a student who has completed their homework, and this can be seen by anyone. Students ca

Film Advice

  FILM ADVICE                                                                           FREEDOM WRITERS  Here is the film that every teacher should watch.  It is based on the book  The Freedom Writers Diary  by teacher  Erin Gruwell .  In 1994 in   California ,  Erin Gruwell  ( Hilary Swank ) has been accepted to teach English for at-risk students.    Erin struggles to form a connection with her students and observes numerous fights between some of them, who are in rival gangs. A  teacher who makes a lot of effort to make her students good people does not give up on her students, despite the fact that she has problems in her married life and financial situation. There are many messages given to the audience in the film. The fact that a teacher's idealism can change and beautify the lives of many students has been emphasized in a very good way.  And the best part about this movie is that it's created from real life.

21th Century Skills

  21th Century Skills  " 21th century skills" includes twelve abilities that  learners' need for learning and succes in education.     The twelve 21st Century skills are:  Critical thinking, Creativity,  Collaboration, Communication, Information literacy, Media literacy, Technology literacy, Flexibility, Leadership, Initiative, Productivity, Social skills.  These skills are purposed to help students keep up with the  today’s conditions.   The skills have been grouped into three main areas.  Learning skills, Literacy skills, Life skills.  And here the some points about Creativity from Learning skills.   Creativity Creativity is one of the keys of learning and teaching.  dictionary meaning says that  it is the use of imagination or original ideas to create something. According to  Sternberg Creativity is a cluster of skills that are needed to produce ideas that are both original and valuable. The inclusion of creative teaching strategies in lessons increases students '